National Farmers' Federation

NFF says farmers deserve continuity of leadership

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has thanked Prime Minister, Hon Scott Morrison MP for making drought a priority in his first days in office.
NFF President, Fiona Simson said it was time the Coalition Government put the chaos of last week behind them and got on with the job of leadership, including looking after rural Australia.
“What we need now is stability and continuity of leaders. Farmers deserve nothing less.
“The drought is our most pressing concern and we appreciate Prime Minister Morrison’s intention to visit drought-affected Queensland this coming week and for making one of his first meetings, one with Drought Coordinator Major General Stephen Day,” Ms Simson said.
“We must continue making inroads with Agriculture Minister David Littleproud and his Government colleagues in areas such as solving agriculture’s workforce shortages; bringing new free trade agreements to fruition and protecting and maximising our research and development system.”
Since taking up the job late last year, Minister Littleproud has overseen significant wins for the farm sector including shoring up the Murray Darling Basin Plan; driving a fairer deal from banks for farmers and putting the changes in place needed to rebuild farmers’ trust in the live sheep export industry.
“Minister Littleproud has also backed our vision for agriculture to achieve a farm gate output value of $100 billion by 2030,” Ms Simson said.
“A vision that will not only see our farmers become more productive and profitable but deliver a much needed boost to our regional communities.
“We look forward to working closely with Prime Minister Morrison and Minister Littleproud on assisting our farmers as they manage drought and to put the settings in place agriculture needs to reach its $100 billion potential.”

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