National Farmers' Federation

NFF welcomes new Blueprint partner: Woolworths

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has today welcomed on board a new major partner in the Blueprint for Australian Agriculture: Woolworths. NFF President Jock Laurie said that this will ensure the Blueprint accurately captures the issues, challenges, opportunities and risks facing the entire agricultural supply chain in the long term: from farm to fork. “The Blueprint aims to gain the input of all with an interest in, or involvement with, Australian agriculture and the supply chain: farmers, transporters, processors, retailers and the communities and services that rely on them,” Mr Laurie said. “The Blueprint is about coming together as an industry to set the future direction for the farming sector. “Today’s announcement will enable us to gain the input of the customers who buy and consume Australian produce – a very important group in the agricultural supply chain. After all, as the saying goes: if you eat, you’re a partner in farming. “Having Woolworths on board will ensure that what consumers believe are the key issues for Australia’s food producers are captured in the Blueprint,” Mr Laurie said. Tjeerd Jegen, Director of Woolworths supermarkets said: “Woolworths and, most importantly, our customers, rely on a strong and prosperous agricultural sector. This year marks 25 years as the Fresh Food People – with that milestone comes extensive work with farmers and this relationship remains critical to our future. “Woolworths’ top priorities in this area are productivity, promoting a new generation of farmers and meeting our customers’ needs. We are looking forward to working with the NFF on the Blueprint to achieve this,” Mr Jegen said. Woolworths joins Westpac as a major partner in the Blueprint for Australian Agriculture. All within the agricultural sector and its supply chain are invited to take part in the Blueprint. For more information, visit the http://www.nff.org.au/blueprint[Blueprint website].

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